Replace ‘Best Regards’ with These Funny Email Sign-Offs

Adding some jokes can make your emails fun when you finish them! Use funny sign-offs instead of ‘Best Regards.’ We talk about funny ways to say sign-off in emails in this article. We show you different fun sign-offs to make your emails different and funny. If you want to make your emails fun, keep reading for some happy ideas!

The right time to use

It is nice to talk casually when you meet someone new to become friends. You must choose the right time for this. Some people might not want to chat, but others might like some company.

When someone looks busy or like they do not want to talk, do not start chatting. Wait until they look free and happy to talk.

Even if someone seems happy to chat, you should look at their body to be sure. When they look at you a lot, nod, and answer your questions, they probably want to chat.

When a friend asks you to come to something, and you cannot go, tell them right away. If you wait too long, no one else can go instead of you, and it is rude to your friends.

In friendships, choosing the right time is very important. People do not like it when you bother them during a personal or work problem. So you must choose a good time to talk to them.

If someone you care about is busy, let them be. Their not answering is not about you. Tell them you can help when they need it and talk only when they have time.

Wrong time to avoid

When you are at work or networking, you need to pick a good time to meet someone for the first time. If there is a talk or event, wait until it is done or when it is okay to meet the speaker.

Also, when the topic is serious, you should talk about it at the right time. For example, do not talk about work problems or money when everyone is happy at a party.

Different places think differently about time. Being on time for dinner in your country might be too late or early somewhere else. So you should understand other cultures and act right.

Types of funny sign-offs

We use the internet, messages, texts, and emails a lot now. So, it is important to find funny sign-offs. Here are some you can use in your next email.

Pop Culture

Do you like Star Wars? Use this funny sign-off to make your friends or workmates smile. It is not as strong as “May the Force be with you,” but it is good. Try ending your email with “Mischief Managed” if you love Harry Potter. Your workmates will see your clever humor and your passion for magic.

Use “To Infinity and Beyond” if you think you are very creative. This fun sign-off shows you are excited and open to trying new things.

If you do not like these ideas, pick a different pop culture sign-off. You might end with “May the odds be ever in your favor” from Hunger Games, something from Looney Tunes, or “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King.

Sarcastic alternatives

Feeling a bit sharp? A sarcastic sign-off can show that emotion. Some mocking sign-offs include “Coldest Regards” or “Filling Up Your Inbox.” They make your email fun and can brighten a boring workday.

If you want to pretend to be Guy Debord, use a sign-off like “Utterly Amazed” or “Sincerely Impressed.” They seem nice but are not really sincere.

When you need to be professional but wish you were elsewhere, choose a funny sign-off. Try “Looking Forward (Not)” or “With Eye Rolls” to show your true feelings.

Do you want to keep things cheerful? Pick a funny sign-off that is full of jokes and starts the day well.

Using funny email sign-offs wisely

Remember, when choosing a funny sign-off for your email, make sure to know who you are sending it to. Use a fun sign-off with a coworker if it feels right and does not breach email etiquette. But it could seem bad if you do it with a client. Think about who they are and how you know them before you choose a sign-off. You want to be funny but not unprofessional or wrong.

When you pick a funny sign-off for your email, look at the email’s mood. Your sign-off should fit the email. If your email is serious, a fun sign-off is not good. If your email is fun, a serious sign-off is strange. You need a good mix of serious and fun in your email and sign-off.

A funny sign-off is nice in an email. But you must not confuse or upset the person who reads it. Do not use sign-offs that mean two things or could upset someone. Do not talk about things that are sensitive or could offend. Your goal is to make the email light, not to offend. Be sure your sign-off is not wrong in any way.


Use the right sign-off when you email a new client. Do not say “XOXO” or “Cya later.” Use “Best regards” or “Sincerely” for them.

If you email a coworker about work, do not end with “Ta-Da!”. It could look like you do not care. Use a sign-off that shows you know the project is urgent, like “I wait for your fast answer” or “Thank you for your quick attention.”

When emailing a client who does not speak English well, do not use jokes that can confuse them. Instead, use a simple “Thank you for your time” or “Much appreciation.”


Sending emails is now very common because of new technology. Choosing the right way to end an email is important. A proper ending depends on good timing and the situation.

You need to know when to use the right ending for your email. A fun sign-off does not work for a serious email, and a very formal ending can feel strange between friends. The best end to an email fits the message and who you are talking to.

Your end of the email should leave a good, lasting memory. A creative or fun sign-off can make your message feel more personal. But remember, your ending should fit the situation and show your professional side.