
11 Email Marketing Metrics You Must Monitor in 2024

Email marketing is a key part of online marketing plans. It lets companies send messages straight to customer’s mailboxes. This helps with getting people involved, making sales, and growing the business. However, email campaigns need more than just sending messages. Watching certain numbers can give you ideas on how to do better. It is very important to look at these numbers in 2024.

You need to know which metrics to check in your email messages. The right numbers show what your audience likes and does. This helps you change your plans and get better results. This year, follow new trends and tech to keep your email plans working well.

1. Open rates

Watching how many people open your emails is very important. The open rate tells you the percentage of people who open your message out of all sent emails. It shows if your email topics, timing, and who you are as a sender interest your audience.

To get a higher open rate, mix creative work with data. Make interesting email topics that make people want to see more. Picking the right time to send emails is key. Weekday mornings can work well, but you might need to try other times too.

The open rate depends on many things. Your email topics need to be easy to understand and exciting. They should make people want to act fast or show why opening the email is good. When and what day you send emails can change how many people open them. Think about when your audience usually checks their emails. Also, being known as a good sender is very important. 1. Your emails might go to spam, or your domain may be seen as spammy. This will make fewer people open them.

Getting more people to open your emails can seem hard. But simple ways can help a lot. Clean your email list often to take off people who do not open emails and make it more likely your emails are seen. Test different email subjects to see what people like the most. Send emails that matter to your readers and are just for them. If people know your emails are always useful, they will want to open them.

2. Click-through rates

Click-through rate (CTR) is how many people click links in your email. A high CTR means people like your emails. Watching your CTR shows if your emails make people want to do more.

Good calls-to-action (CTAs) help get more clicks. Make CTAs that are clear and make people want to click. Also, emails that feel special to someone can make more clicks. Segment your audience to send emails that fit better and get more clicks.

You can use tools to see your CTR. Google Analytics gives deep details. Email platforms like Mailchimp and HubSpot show how well your emails do. Use these tools to learn what emails are best and what your readers like. Use what you learn to make better emails in the future.

3. Conversion rates

Conversion rate is how many people do what you want after they click, like buy something or fill out a form. A high conversion rate means more money, so it is important to watch.

Campaigns that target the right people can make your conversion rates much better. Make your email campaigns more effective by meeting your audience’s needs and likes. Also, make your content match what your audience expects to get more people doing what you want. Use simple, strong words and good pictures to make your emails better.

Use tools to see if people do what you want after they read your emails. Google Analytics helps you see what people do, from when they click on your email to when they do something important. Email marketing programs usually help you track if people do what you want. Look at this information often to find trends and ways to do better.

4. Bounce rates

Bounce rate is how often emails do not get to the person’s email box. When lots of emails do not get delivered, it is bad for your email’s chance to get seen and your good name. There are two types of non-deliveries. Hard bounces are emails that do not go through because the email is wrong or not used anymore. Soft bounces are when the person’s email box is full, or their server has a problem for a short time.

Clean your email list often to take off emails that are not used or are wrong. Check emails before you put them on your list to lower the number of non-deliveries. Use ways that make sure people give the right and working emails when they sign up.

5. Unsubscribe rate

The unsubscribe rate is how many people stop getting emails from you after you send them a message. It is important to know because it shows if people like your content. If many people stop getting your emails, it could mean they are not interested in what you send, or it is not what they thought it would be.

Make sure what you send in emails is good and what your audience likes. Change what you send based on what your subscribers like and what they say. It is also important to not send too many emails. If you send too many, people might get tired and stop getting your emails. Finding the right balance in email frequency keeps your readers interested.

Do not only look at the numbers; find out why people unsubscribe. Ask them for surveys or forms. They might think the emails are not relevant or too many. Knowing this can help you keep more subscribers later.

6. Spam complaint rates

The spam complaint rate tells you how many people think your emails are spam. If this number is high, it can make your emails go to spam. Then, fewer people will open them, and your emails will not work well.

It is better to stop problems before they start. Make sure subscribers really want your emails. Always send things they like. Take people who do not read your emails off your list to have fewer complaints.

Use complaints to get better at emailing. Find out why people say your emails are spam. Maybe they do not like the content, or the titles are not true to the email. Fixing these problems can make your emails better next time.

7. Forwarding and share rate

The forwarding/share rate shows how many people share your emails. It is important because it means more people see your emails. It also shows if people like your emails.

Give rewards to people who share your emails. You can give special things or bonuses. Make it easy to share by putting share buttons in your emails. Track your forwarding and share rates to see why people share your content. Use this knowledge to improve your campaigns, making them informative and worth sharing. This way, you can grow your audience naturally and build an active subscriber community.

8. List growth rate

Your list growth rate shows how fast your email list gets bigger. You need a growing email list to keep your audience’s attention and get more conversions. You can grow your list faster by using lead magnets like free eBooks, special reports, or webinars. Give new sign-up rewards like discounts or access to more content. Watch your list growth rate to make sure your plans work well, and change them to keep your list growing.

9. Engagement metrics

Metrics for engagement over time: check how often people interact with your emails. Studying engagement for a long time shows you your audience’s habits. This is key for making your email plans better. Change when you send emails to keep people interested, and change your content often. Use tools that show you how often people open and click on emails and follow conversions over time.

Creating urgency can make people spend more. Offers that last for a short time and special deals make people decide faster. This means fewer people leave items in their carts. Use strong language and countdown clocks to show that time is running out and make people act right away.

10. Optimizing for device usage

Metrics for device usage show if your audience looks at emails on phones or computers. Knowing this is very important for your email design and what you talk about. Make sure your emails look good on phones since many people read emails on their mobiles. Change your plan to fit how people use devices. Use smaller paragraphs and bigger text for people reading on phones. Use tools to track how people use devices; this information helps you to make your emails better for users.

Watching and checking your email ads is very important. Test different ways with A/B tests to see what makes more money. Change your plans when you learn what works best to make them better.

11. Revenue per email

Money from each email, or RPE, is about how much money you get from each email. You find out by dividing the total money from an ad by the emails you send. It shows you how well your email ads work in money. This number lets you know how much money you make from your emails.

Money each email makes is important to see how your ads affect your money. RPE shows you how your emails actually make money, not just if they are opened or clicked. If RPE is high, it means your emails are getting to people, and they are buying things. It helps you decide where to spend your money and if your ads are worth it.

To make more money from each email, sell more expensive things or extra items. Offer things based on what the customer bought before. This makes your offers fit better for each person. If you change your content based on what you know about the customer, they might spend more.

Selling other products that go well with what someone bought is also a good idea. Show in your emails how these extra things make the main thing better. This could make people want to buy. Send emails to certain groups with special offers matched to what they like. This could make them buy more things. Conclusion


To end, it is key to watch 11 email marketing numbers in 2024 for better campaigns. Knowing and bettering open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates will boost engagement and make more money. It is important to control bounce rates and unsubscribe rates to keep your email list good and protect your sender name.

Also, watching spam complaints and how much people share can make your content better and grow your audience by itself. Checking these numbers often gives you good ideas about what your audience likes and does so you can make your plans work better. If you do not know these campaigns well, here are the top 5 best email marketing agencies who can do this for you with all their expertise.

Looking at numbers like list growth rate, how people stay interested over time, what devices they use, and money made per email makes sure you do all parts of email marketing well. A growing and active email list shows you are keeping and getting more people well. Knowing what devices people use helps make emails look better for them, and how much money you make per email shows how your work connects to money. By always looking at and changing these numbers, you can make email campaigns that work better, feel more personal, and bring in more money. This helps you stay on top in the tough market of 2024.

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