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How to Write a Follow-Up Email After a Job Application? [Templates]

When you send a follow-up email after a job application, it is important to be both excited and professional. You must show your big interest in the job. Tell the hiring manager again why you are happy about the job and that your skills are perfect for it. If you are enthusiastic, the hiring manager might like you more.

You should also say thank you. Thank the person for the chance to apply and for the time they took to look at your application. Being thankful helps you build a good connection and shows you respect their time.

You can add more information too. Talk about skills or experiences you did not say much about before. This can make your application stronger and add details that your resume or cover letter did not have.

Timing of the follow-up email

The best time to send a follow-up email is usually 1-2 weeks after the job application. This time frame shows you are patient and gives the employer time to look at all the applications. Do not send the follow-up too early because it might seem like you cannot wait.

But if the job ad mentions when they will interview or call people, follow that schedule instead. You can follow up a few days after these dates to show you know the deadlines.

Change when you follow up if you have already talked to someone during the job process. If you get replies or interact, your next step should match the employer’s communication style and what they expect. For example, if they’re informal or quick to respond, you might follow up sooner.

Be careful not to follow up too much; it might work against you and show you as too pushy. One follow-up email, sent at the right time, is enough. You should only do more follow-ups for big news or if there’s been no talk for a long time. Sending too many emails can bother the person in charge of hiring and hurt your chances.

Subject line

Make sure your follow-up email has a clear subject line. This lets the hiring manager know right away what your email is about. It is important to use the job title in your subject line. This helps the person reading your email to understand the reason for your message fast. Write simple phrases like “Following up on [Position] Application” or “Checking in on [Position] Application Status.” These subject lines are professional and clear, making it more likely that your email will get read soon.

Greeting and opening

It is good to use the hiring manager’s name in your email. Try to find out their name if it’s not in the job ad. If you write their name, it shows you pay attention and respect them. Start with “Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]” or a friendly but still professional “Hello [Hiring Manager’s Name].” This can help a lot with how they view your email.

Start your email with an interesting first sentence. Talk about the job you want and when you sent your application. I am writing to check on my application for the Marketing Manager job I sent on [date]. I am still very excited about this job.

Your follow-up email is a chance to impress. How you write the subject and greeting in your email can make you special among many people. Use your email’s early lines to show you fit the job and are excited.

Opening statement

Start with the job you want and when you send your application. This helps the person who is hiring to find your application easier. If you clearly say you still want the job, it shows you have not lost your interest. You want to write something good and serious here.

A brief summary of qualification

Now talk shortly about your good skills and past work. Do not rewrite your whole resume. Just talk about the things that are important for the job. Make it clear why you are great for this role. This is a good way to remind the person hiring what you are good at without giving them too much to read.

Polite inquiry about the status

After you say what you can do, ask kindly about your application. Asking a direct yet polite question shows you want to move forward. Say you can give more information if they need it. This shows you are helpful and you want to make the hiring process easy. This part should be short and make the reader want to reply.


It is important to say thank you in your follow-up email. Say thanks to the hiring manager for the time they gave. Say you know they worked hard to look at your job application. Tell them again you really want the job, and remind them why you care so much. When you say thank you, it can make a good impression that lasts.

Closing and signature

End your email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards.” Then, write your whole name. This keeps your email polite and formal. Write your phone number and email so they can contact you. You can add your LinkedIn too. That way, the hiring manager can learn more about you. This ending makes sure they can get in touch with you if they need to.

Additional tips

Always check your email for spelling and grammar mistakes. This helps make your email look very professional. Write a different follow-up email for each job. Show you are really interested in talking about something special about the job or company. This shows you have learned about the job and really want it.

Make your email short and clear. Do not write too much; it can be too much for the reader. Always be polite in your email. Check that your contact details are right. The hiring staff can find you if they need to.

Remember to wait because hiring can take time. It is good to send a follow-up, but you must also respect when the company wants to make a decision. Do not send any follow-up emails because it may seem like you are pushy and not patient.

If you follow these extra tips, you make a good impression. It also shows you really want the chance. This might increase your chances of getting a good answer. Once the email has been sent, here is how to download the email from any of your devices and keep it safe for future reference.

Template 1: General follow-up

Subject: Follow-Up on My Application for [Job Title] Position

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently applied for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and wanted to follow up on my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to [specific aspect of the company’s work].

Could you please update me on the status of my application? I am eager to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards, [Your Full Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your LinkedIn Profile]
[Your Email Address]

Template 2: Follow-up after interview

Subject: Thank You and Follow-Up on [Job Title] Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to extend my gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [date of interview]. It was a pleasure learning more about the team and the exciting projects you are working on.

I am writing to inquire about the status of my application. I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining [Company Name] and contributing to [specific project or company goal discussed during the interview].

Thank you once again for considering my application. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your LinkedIn Profile]
[Your Email Address]

Template 3: Follow-up after no response

Subject: Follow-Up on [Job Title] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my application for the [Job Title] position, which I submitted on [date of application]. I am very interested in this role and am eager to contribute to [Company Name].

Could you kindly update me on the status of my application? I understand you are busy, and I would appreciate any information you could share regarding the hiring process.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your LinkedIn Profile]
[Your Email Address]

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