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How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (Templates)

Send a thank you email after an interview. It is polite. It also makes a strong impression. It shows you value the interviewer’s time and effort. It also shows your thanks for the job chance. When you send a nice thank you message, you look professional. You also seem like you care about making good relationships. This simple act could make you stand out. Other people might forget to do this important thing.

You need to do more than just say thank you in your email. Your email must have some key things to be strong. Make sure you send it to the right person. Make sure you use the right email address. You must say thanks the right way. You must keep the email professional.

Email the Person Who Interviewed You

Make sure you use the correct email for the person who done your interview. Check their name is spelled right. Check you got their email address structure right. If you send your thank you note to the wrong person or make mistakes, it can mess up what you mean to do. It can also make you look like you do not care about details. Always check you have the correct contact details to avoid mistakes.

Do not forget to say ‘Thank you.’

The main part of a thank you email is saying thanks. Say thank you to the interviewer for their time and work. It shows you are a professional.

When you say thank you, be real and make it your own. Talk about something specific from the interview. You can say thank you to the interviewer for telling you about the company’s culture. It makes your email special.

It is very important to respect time in the work world. Saying you value the interviewer’s time shows you know they are busy. Use words like, “Thank you for talking with me about the [job name].”

Be concise and polite

In work emails, it is good to be brief. Long emails can be too much and not as strong. Write a short email with just enough words. Email for thank you to the interviewee should be a symbol of gratitude.

Always be polite and professional. Do not use casual language. Be positive and show you are grateful. This makes your email nice to read.

Talk about the good things from your interview. Say something new you learned about the work team or jobs you could do. This shows you like the job and listened in the interview. You can say, “I liked hearing about how you handle projects.”

Proofread everything

It is very important that your thank you email has no mistakes. Spelling or grammar mistakes can give a bad impression. These mistakes can make you look bad. Errors like these can make people doubt you. A good email shows that you care about details. Employers look for this.

A good email shows that you are careful and professional. Spelling and grammar mistakes are big warning signs. They show you may not be careful. Try to make your email perfect. You want to show you are good at communicating.

Use tools to check for spelling and grammar. These tools are very helpful but do not just use them. Read your email out loud, too. This can help find problems. You want your email to be perfect.

Additional tips

Be quick: Send your thank you email within 24 hours. This shows you are keen and do things on time. If you wait too long, it looks like you do not care. Be fast, but still be careful.

Make it personal: Make your email special by talking about the interview. Use details to show you paid attention. Talk about something you remember. This shows you care about the job.

Talk about your skills: Remind them what you are good at. Talk about your skills and what you spoke about in the interview. This makes your brain think you are right for the job.

Ask for next steps: Ask what you should do next for the job. It shows you really want the job, and you want to keep talking.

Keep it professional: Write formally in your thank you an email. Do not use relaxed talk or slang. You want to sound right for the job’s serious place.

Send separate emails: Write a special email to each person who talked to you. They will like it if you notice what they do. This makes you stand out from other people who want the job.

Choose a good subject line: Make a short and clear subject line. This makes sure people can find your email quickly and know why you are writing. A smart subject line can draw attention in a full mailbox.

Follow up if necessary: If no one writes back in the time you think they will send a nice email again. Say you still want the job and ask what is happening with it. If you are polite, asking more than once can show you really care and work hard.


The thank you email is a chance to say again how much you want the job. You might feel very excited about the job and the company after the interview. Tell them about your excitement! Your thank you message can act like a short update. In it, say again why you are the right person for the job. Talk about what you like in the job or the company. This shows you really want the job. It also shows you would be good at it.

Template 1: Expressing Gratitude

Subject Line: Thank You for the Opportunity

Greetings: Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Expressing Gratitude: I am writing to extend my sincere thanks for the opportunity to interview for the [Position] role at [Company] on [Date]. I appreciate the time you took to discuss the position and the insights you provided about the team and the company culture.

Acknowledgment of Insights: Our conversation reinforced my enthusiasm for this role, particularly your emphasis on [specific aspect discussed during the interview]. The detailed information you shared about [another specific aspect] was particularly valuable and has further convinced me of the exciting opportunities at [Company].

Reaffirming Interest: I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and contributing to [Company]’s success. My experience in [specific experience or skill] aligns well with the needs of your team, and I am eager to bring my skills to [specific project or responsibility mentioned].

Closing: Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to the continued success of [Company].

Signature: Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]

Template 2: Reiterating Interest

Subject Line: Thank You and Continued Enthusiasm for [Position]

Greetings: Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Expressing Gratitude: Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the [Position] role at [Company] on [Date]. I am grateful for the time and effort you invested in our conversation.

Reiterating Interest: I remain highly enthusiastic about the prospect of joining [Company]. Our discussion about [specific topic or project] and the innovative work being done in your department has further solidified my interest in this position. I am particularly excited about the potential to contribute to [specific project or goal] and bring my background in [relevant skill or experience] to the team.

Closing: Thank you again for considering my application. I look forward to the next steps in the hiring process and hope to have the opportunity to contribute to the outstanding work being done at [Company].

Signature: Sincerely,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]

Happy job hunting!

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