
The 5 Best Yesware Alternatives in 2024

Sales and email outreach tools are important for work efficiency. Yesware is a well-known tool that many businesses use. It has email tracking and automation features. However, as technology changes and companies grow, they may need different tools. Using more than one tool might be better for some companies.

We will look at 5 good Yesware alternatives for 2024. These tools have similar or better features. Every alternative has its own special features. They are good for different kinds of businesses. Some have better analytics, CRM integration, or prices. These tools have extra benefits that are not available on Yesware. They can help with email campaigns, workflow, or outreach insights. This guide will help you find the best tool for your sales and marketing.

1. DejaOffice CRM

DejaOffice CRM is a tool for customer relationship management. It has good features and competitive prices. It is for many types of businesses.

It is good at managing contacts, calendars, tasks, and notes. It works with Outlook and Google. You can also use it on mobile phones.

The tool has different prices for different businesses. Companies can choose what they need and afford.

DejaOffice is strong because of its many features and mobile use. However, the interface may seem old and less easy to use than new ones. But, its special use is good for many companies that want good CRM.

2. HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales is a good choice for companies that want to make their sales better. This tool has many features to make selling more effective. It lets you automate messages, track how people interact, and keep track of your sales easily.

It is good because it has complete CRM and email following and can do things by itself. Sales teams get a lot from good reports, which show how well campaigns and people are doing. Good templates and sequences make sure talking to customers is both personal and quick.

The company has different prices for small and big companies. The simple version is free, but you have to pay every month for more features. So, you must think about what your company needs before you choose a plan.

Convenience is their top priority. It is very easy to use and works well with other business programs. This makes it a good choice for any size team. But, the cost of better features might be too much for some. Also, if you are new to CRM programs, you might need time to learn how to use all the options.

3. Mailshake

Mailshake gives a simple but good way to reach out to sales. It is good for emails and social media and works well for small companies and startups. The easy-to-use system means your team can learn it quickly.

It helps you reach out in a personal way. It has email programs that work by themselves, templates you can change, and lets you test different emails to see which works best.

The integration is reliable. It also works with CRM programs and has strong analytics to see how well you are engaging and succeeding. It also has features for managing social media.

They offer flexible prices for different needs. It has plans for both small and big teams. Their prices are simple, and you only pay for what you use. To further make your selection wide, read our guide on 5 best Mailshake alternatives.

4. Streak for Gmail

Streak turns Gmail into a CRM. Small businesses that want to manage customers in one place will like it. It adds CRM power to your emails.

It makes Gmail better for sales. It has email tracking and mail merge and lets you build pipelines. You can also automate work, plan emails, and organize customer info well. Teams can share contacts and emails easily, which makes Stack great for working together.

Their subscription has many prices to fit different needs and money. There is a free plan with simple things, while paid plans have more. There are Solo plans for one user and Pro and Enterprise plans for bigger groups. Pick the right plan for your business.

The tool works well with Gmail and is easy to learn. You can change pipelines as you like. But, if you only use Gmail for CRM, it might seem limiting. Some might find it less full than other CRM tools. The free plan is basic, and you might need to pay for more.

5. Mixmax

Mixmax is a good tool for emailing and sales. The tool makes emails better for salespeople who want to work faster. It works well with Gmail, and so many sales teams like it.

It has many good features, like knowing when emails are read, sending emails later, and setting up emails to send on their own. You can change templates and sequences to make sure you talk to people in the right way. Mixmax also works well with CRM tools and helps teams work better together.

The company has different prices for what you need and how much you can pay. They have a free plan and more expensive ones for bigger teams. Every team can find a price that suits them.

Selection criteria for Yesware alternatives

Email tracking changes how people control their inboxes. When you know someone has read your email, you can follow up better. Using email templates makes you work faster. Templates also help send the same message every time, which is important for businesses to do well.

Tools that show you data about your emails help you talk better via email. They let you see how people react to your emails so you can do better and make customers happier.

It is important for your email system to work with a CRM. When they work together, your customer info flows better. This makes sales and marketing teams work smarter.

Price is important when picking an email tool. You want a good deal for the price. Cheaper options that still have lots of features are good for small businesses because they can use fancy email tools without spending too much. Conclusion


DejaOffice deserves your attention for being flexible. It has strong CRM features, is easy to use on a calendar, and works well with important business tools. This platform is good for teams and single workers, and it can grow with your business.

While DejaOffice has good points, trying others like HubSpot Sales and Mailshake might match your plans better. HubSpot Sales is very good for CRM and gives detailed reports. Mailshake makes it easy to send emails and use social media, which is perfect for new companies and small ones. Using both tools can help your sales work a lot.

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