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How to Write a Resignation Email: Step-by-Step Guide

Did you decide to leave your job? Starting a new job is fun, but you must tell your boss in a formal way. A good goodbye email is very important for changing jobs without problems.

This guide will give you what you need to write a good and polite goodbye email. It will talk about the most important parts of a good email, like how to set it up and what things you should say. You will learn to start with a nice hello, say thank you for the time there, and say you will help with giving your job to someone else.

The resignation email is the opposite of the email of appointment confirmation. If you follow these steps, you will talk to your boss and work friends in a way that is good and makes them think well of you.

Clear subject line

The subject of your goodbye email is important because it shows what your email is about. Make it clear and simple. A good subject line makes people notice and understand your email right away.

For example, use “Goodbye – [Your Complete Name].” This way of writing is easy to understand and clear. Your boss will know why you wrote the email before they even open it.

When you write your subject line, do not use words that are not clear or too hard. You want your boss to get your message fast. A clear subject line shows you are a professional and you care about your boss’ time. Getting the subject line right is a key first step to change jobs in a good way.

The salutation tone of the email

Say hello to your boss the right way in your goodbye email. When you write to the person, use their right title and name. For example, starting with “Dear [Boss’s Name]” is polite and shows you care about being professional.

Starting with the right hello is not just good manners but a way to show that you act like a professional. This shows respect to your manager and company when you leave. It can make your manager see you in a good way and help you find new chances later.

When you talk to your manager in the right way, it shows that you care about details and know how workplaces work. It makes it clear that you are serious about leaving and want to keep things professional.

If you put a clear subject and a proper hello in your email to quit, you are showing that you know it is important. A good quitting email also shows you are professional and makes you look good. Being serious about this can change how people remember you.

Opening paragraph

In your first paragraph, say clearly that you want to quit. Say you are quitting so no one gets confused. You could write, “I am writing to quit my job as [your job] in the [department].” This makes the email’s point clear and shows you are professional.

Writing an email could be difficult when it is professional. You can select the free templates that we have written meticulously for you from this post. If you want to rewrite it yourself, there are AI tools that can help you write a stunning email and humanize that within seconds.

Middle paragraph

In the second paragraph, say when you will leave. Follow the notice time your company says and give the date you will leave. This helps your boss get ready for you to go and handle work better. Say the dates to show you respect the process and for an easy change.

Next, say thank you. Talk about good things that happened and the chances you had to grow. For example, tell them you liked working on big projects or talk about the new skills you got while you were there.

This gives good feelings and keeps a good relationship, which is very good for when you want to meet new people or need someone to say you did a good job.

Also, say you will help when you are leaving. You can say you will train someone new or finish work that you still need to do. This shows you want to help your team not have problems after you leave.

Closing paragraph

In the last paragraph, tell them how they can talk to you later. Give them your own email or phone number so they know you are there to answer questions or talk about how you changed jobs. This shows you want to help and keep talking to people you work with.

End by saying something nice and thank you again. This makes them remember you in a good way. Say something like, “I hope the team does well and thank you for everything I learned.”

Reviewing your resignation email

Make sure your email saying you are leaving is correct. Read your message to find mistakes. An email with no mistakes shows you look at small details.

Mistakes can make people think less of you. Make your email perfect to show you respect your job and the person reading it.

Make sure every sentence is clear. Do not use words that are too hard or too business-like. A clear email shows you think about how busy your boss is and makes it easier for them to accept you are leaving.

Your email should be very professional. Use formal words and be serious. Using casual words can make your quitting letter look not serious. This email will be remembered, so you should write it well, like how you do your work every day.

Checking again the details

Make sure to look at all important parts before you send it. Look at dates two times so your notice time is right with what the company says. Say the exact day you will stop working very clearly. Having the right dates helps your boss get ready for someone new and move your work to them.

Check that you write all names right, like your boss’s name. This might look small, but it means you respect who you send it to. Wrong names can make you look like you do not care, and that’s bad for how professional you look.

Verify your contact details again. Give them your new personal email and phone number. This makes sure your boss can talk to you if they need to later. Having good ways to talk helps things go smoothly and shows you want to help after you go.

Paying a lot of attention to these things shows you are a professional and you respect other people. An email for quitting that is done well is more than just a rule; it is an important piece of how people think of you as a professional.

See this email like it shows your whole work life and how much you care about your work. When you spend time to make it really good, it shows you think your job and what you did with your team is important.

Sending the resignation email

The time you send your quitting email when you do is very important. Look closely at what your company says about how much notice you should give and the rules. Some companies may want two weeks, and some may want longer.

When your quitting fits with these rules, it means you keep a good relationship with them. Do not send your email when everyone is very busy or when there is a big project to be nice to your team and their work. Timing well shows you are professional. It helps make changing easier.


After you send an email saying you will leave, meet your boss. This can clear up any questions. It is a serious way to say goodbye. You have a better end to your job.

Find a time that is good for both you and your boss. You want a quiet talk. Say, thank you in the meeting. Taking this step shows you are grown-up and careful.

After your mail and the meeting, keep talking with your boss or HR. Be helpful with things like teaching the new person or keeping records of your work.

Keeping in touch stops problems. It shows you work well to the end. Make a list of your work and give tips to the new person. Your help makes a good memory. People will think you are helpful and kind.


It is important to leave a job in a good way. It keeps your good name at work. Writing your leaving mail well shows you care about your job. Keep all your email synced across your devices for good maintenance. It allows you to find the important one when needed.

This last message can change what people say about you later. It can help you get hired again. When you write your mail well, it shows you are thankful for your time at work.

Leaving a job has feelings. But you must stay professional. Say nice things in your leaving mail. Talk about moving on in your work. Offer to help with changes. This shows you still care about your work until you leave.

How you quit a job can affect your next chances. If you resign well, you can make your job record strong and leave options open. People you worked with before can turn into important contacts for your work. If you leave in a good way, you can get good recommendations and maybe work together again.

Free resignation email templates

Template 1: Standard Resignation

Subject: Resignation – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as [Your Position] in the [Department]. My last day of employment will be [Date], which provides the standard two-week notice period.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities I’ve had during my time at [Company Name]. I’ve truly appreciated the support and guidance I’ve received, which has helped me grow professionally in many ways. I’m particularly grateful for [Mention Specific Experience/Learning Opportunity].

I am happy to assist with the transition process in any way possible, including training my replacement and completing any outstanding tasks. Please let me know how I can best support the team during this time.

My personal contact information is [Your Email Address] and [Your Phone Number]. I wish you and the entire team continued success in the future.


[Your Full Name]

Template 2: Resignation with New Opportunity

Subject: Resignation – [Your Full Name] – New Opportunity

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Please accept this email as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [Your Position] in the [Department]. My last day of employment will be [Date].

I’ve recently been presented with a new opportunity at [New Company Name] that aligns well with my long-term career goals. While this was a difficult decision, I believe this new role offers the chance to [Explain Briefly Why You’re Taking the Opportunity].

I’m incredibly grateful for the time I’ve spent at [Company Name]. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with you and the team, and I’m thankful for the experiences and professional development I’ve gained here.

I am happy to assist with the transition process to ensure a smooth handover. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help train my replacement or complete any outstanding tasks.

Thank you again for everything. I wish you and the company all the best.


[Your Full Name]

Template 3: Resignation with Mixed Feelings

Subject: Resignation – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

This email is to inform you of my resignation from my position as [Your Position] in the [Department], effective [Date].

While I’ve learned a great deal and appreciate the support of some colleagues, I’ve ultimately decided to move on from [Company Name]. This was a challenging decision, but I believe it’s the right path for me at this time.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. Please let me know how I can assist with training a replacement or completing outstanding tasks before my departure.

My personal contact information is [Your Email Address] and [Your Phone Number]. I wish you and the team continued success.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]

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