How to Fix Outlook Not Receiving Email?

Is waiting for an important email in Outlook frustrating? Many reasons can stop emails from arriving, but let us look at easy things to check first.

It is important to get emails quickly for good communication and work. This guide helps to fix problems when Outlook does not get emails. It works well for your email.

We will look at 11 common reasons and how to fix them. These include internet problems, spam filters, and too many emails. By doing these things, you can make Outlook get important emails again.

1. Make Sure Your Internet Is Good

You need a good internet to do online things like get emails in Outlook. If you are not online, Outlook can not update your inbox or get new emails.

To test your internet, open a web browser and try to go to a website you use a lot. If the website does not open, maybe your internet is bad.

Restart your router or talk to your Internet Company if you have internet problems. A good internet is the first step to fixing email problems.

2. Look in the Junk Email

Outlook has a strong filter to stop spam. But sometimes, it makes mistakes, and good emails go to spam.

To check this, go to Junk Email on the Outlook sidebar. If you find an email you want, right-click it and choose “Mark as Not Spam.”

This moves the email to your main inbox. It helps Outlook know that emails from this sender are not spam in the future. Look at your Junk Email folder often. It can stop you from missing important messages.

3. Jump between tabs.

Microsoft Focused Inbox puts your emails in two groups, Focused and Other, for better organizing. You get your important emails in the Focused tab. Other emails go to the Other tab.

Go and see the Other tab to check for your email. If it is there, right-click and click “Move to Focused.” If you want good organizing, click “Always Move to Focus.” This makes sure your important emails go to the right place.

4. Check if you are in Offline Mode.

If you are not getting emails in Outlook, you may be in Offline Mode. Offline Mode stops emails from coming. This is good for breaks, but you must turn it off to get emails again.

To reconnect Outlook, go to “Send/Receive”. Click the “Work Offline” button if it is on. Wait for Outlook to reconnect and get your new messages. Do not forget that simple settings can solve big problems.

5. Clear your Outlook Cache.

Outlook Cache makes Outlook work fast by saving data. But it can cause issues like no new emails. Clearing the cache helps and does not delete your emails or attachments. To clear the cache in Outlook, first shut it down. Then press “Windows key + R.” This will open a box. In the box, type “%localappdata%\Microsoft\Outlook” and hit Enter.

Now, you will be in the folder where the cache files are. Open the “RoamCache” folder. Select all files, click right and pick Delete. Open Outlook again to make new cache files that do not have errors. Doing this often stops small problems from getting big.

6. Change Email Filter Settings

Outlook has rules for emails to keep your inbox in order. But if you set the rules wrong, they might remove the emails you need. If emails go missing, look at these settings.

To check email rules, go to “Settings” and then “Rules.” There, you see your rules. Look at each rule to make sure it is right.

 If any rule is making mistakes with your emails, turn it off or get rid of it. Good filters make work faster; bad filters can make you miss important emails, so take care with them.

7. Is Outlook Not Working Right Now?

Sometimes, Microsoft servers stop working correctly, but this is not common. When you cannot get emails, it might not be your problem. First, see if Outlook is having problems.

Go to the Microsoft 365 Service Status web page. They tell you how Outlook is doing there. If you see red or yellow next to, Microsoft knows there is a problem.

You can also look on Twitter to see if others have the same problem. Use #Outlookdown to find what people are saying.

That way, you know if it is just you or others. Go to the Down Detector website. It collects user reports to show when services stop working. If there is no service, trust that Microsoft is fixing it. Often, you just need to wait for them to fix the problem.

8. Make sure your block list is correct.

Blocked emails can cause trouble. Good emails might go to your spam by mistake. Blocking senders is good to stop spam. Still, it can block emails you want.

Look at your block list in Outlook. Do not let it stop important emails. Login to Outlook and click Settings. Then, choose Junk Email and Blocked senders and domains. Remove any email addresses or domains that are safe. Add important senders to your Safe senders and domains list. This way, their emails will not go to spam. Keep an eye on your block list. It helps you not miss important emails.

9. How much Outlook storage do you have?

Outlook gives a lot of storage. But you can fill it if you keep all your old emails. If your mailbox is full, you cannot get new emails.

To see your storage, log in to Outlook. Go to your account settings. Then, look for storage to see how much space you have. If you receive too many business emails, consider upgrading the subscription plan. Read this full guide on how much Outlook storage do your get with free and paid plans.

10. Always update Outlook

Updates are important for Outlook to work well and stay safe. They bring new things and fix problems.

If your Outlook is old, that might be why your emails do not come through. Make sure you update your software now.

Open Outlook and click the File menu to look for updates. Choose Office Account, then pick Update Options and Update Now.

Outlook will look for the newest updates and install them. If you use the mobile app, go to the Google Play Store for Android or the Apple App Store for iOS to find updates. You must keep Outlook updated to prevent problems and security risks.

11. Make a new Outlook profile.

Sometimes, your Outlook profile has issues. A bad profile might stop you from getting emails. To fix this, make a new profile. Signing up for tools to sync email can avoid such issues.

First, go to the Control Shoe Panel and press on Mail. Then click Show Profiles and Add for a new one. Name your new profile, type in your email details, and then save. Close and open Outlook again, and use your new profile.

Creating a new profile might take effort, but it fixes your Outlook well. A new profile makes Outlook run better and makes sure you get emails. Do you want to keep fixing things for a short time or fix the problem completely?


Outlook not getting emails can make your work hard and be annoying. This guide showed you important steps to fix this problem and get your inbox working right.

When you have email trouble, fix it step by step. Not getting emails can happen for many reasons. If you follow the steps like checking your internet, looking at folders, cleaning your cache, updating the app, and making a new profile, you can find and fix the issue.