Prepare well before you send a salary negotiation email. Research what the company pays for your job. Talk to people who work there or look at Glassdoor and LinkedIn. This will give you important information about pay.
Look at how much others in your sector earn. Use Payscale and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get accurate salary information. This shows that you know about salaries in your industry.
Highlight Personal Contributions and Achievements
Think about your big wins at work. Talk about the good things you did for the company. Explain your big successes. Introducing yourself in a good way shows why you should get more pay.
Your experience can help you in negotiations. Tell them about your time on the job and what you know. Say you are an expert in your field.
Your study is important too. Talk about your degrees and special training. Say how your education is right for the job.
Do not forget your abilities. Write down your special skills. Say that you have good technical or leadership skills. This helps your argument.
Structure of the email
Choose a good subject line for the email. Make it short and clear. For example, “Salary Discussion Request – [Your Name]” shows what you want.
Start your email right. Say hello to the person in a formal way. Dear [Recipient’s Name], to show professionalism and respect.
Open your first paragraph by telling which job you mean. Say clearly which job you are talking about so there is no mix-up. Say, thank you for the job offer and for the company wanting you.
In the body paragraphs, talk about the good things you have done. Explain very clearly the important work you have done and how you helped. Then talk about the usual pay for this kind of work.
Tell them what other companies usually pay and what this company pays for this job. Say why you should get the pay you want. Connect your pay to your work and what you found out about pay.
End with a last paragraph. Say again you really want the job and you are happy about it. Say you want to talk more, showing you really want to talk and you are ready for it.
Best practices for writing the email
Write clear and short: When you make your salary talk email, make sure your words are clear and short. Do not use long words or special work words that can make your main idea less clear.
Your email need to be easy for read, use simple words that do not confuse. Do not say, “I think I need more salary for many reasons,” but say, “I want $75,000 for my project lead skills that save the company $50,000 each year.”
Be professional: When you talk, do it with respect, even if you really want your salary to be higher. Use formal words and be nice; it will make people think you are good.
Start with a nice hello, like, “Dear [Name of the person],” and do not use street words or too friendly words. If you show you are a pro, it shows respect to the person who hires you and the group you want to join, and that starts talks in a good way.
Look for mistakes: Mistakes can make people think less of you. Before you send your email, look hard for wrong grammar, typing problems, and strange words. Use AI tools to humanize your text if that is AI-generated.
Use tools like Grammarly to find mistakes you did not see. Also, if you read your email with your voice, you might hear problems or odd word groups. You want to show a message that has no mistakes, shows you care, and is real.
Use sure and good words: Use words that sound sure of yourself and good to show you believe in yourself but are not too strong. Do not say, “I hope you will think about what I ask,” but say, “I am sure my skills are worth this money ask.”
When you sound sure, it shows you think you should get what you ask for, and good words make a nice feeling. Try to be nice but also strong so it is clear you know what you are worth and that you mean it when you talk of fair pay.
The best time to send the email

Pick the right time. Send your email about salary negotiation when people are working so they see it soon. It is not good to send it on Monday morning because there are too many other emails then.
Tuesday to Thursday before lunch is better because more people reply to emails. Choose a time when the person you are sending to is not too busy.
Consider the time differences. If the company is in another time zone, remember that when you send your email.
An email sent at 9 AM where you are but at 6 AM where they are might get lost in many other emails. When you send your email, make sure it is their working hours so they notice your email.
Follow-Up Email
Send a polite follow-up email if you get no response in a week. Do not wait too long, or you might look like you do not care. But following up too quickly can look pushy.
Your follow-up email needs the right balance. Tell them about your last email, and be polite and formal.
Show you still want the job and want to talk more. Try to follow up without looking impatient or like you are asking too much.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Salary Negotiation Emails
Keep away from being aggressive or making demands. Ask for a higher salary like it is a discussion, not a forceful demand. Say things like “I want to talk about a salary change” so you both can work together. If you are not pushüng too much, they might answer more kindly.
Show real reasons for a salary increase. It is wrong to ask for more money without reasons to do so. Use facts, research about jobs, and what good work you have done to back up your request. Only saying, “I should get more money,” is not good enough.
Be confident when you talk. Not being confident could make your negotiation not go well. Believe in your value and talk about your salary with sureness. Being confident but not too strong is good and lets them know you understand your worth.
Remember to think about all the job benefits. Many times, people forget and only think about the money. Look at the whole package like health care, plans for when you retire, and extra good things. A little bit less money but with more benefits could be a wiser choice for your future.
Salary Negotiation Emails Templates
Negotiating After a Job Offer
Subject: Salary Discussion Request – [Your Name]
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],
I appreciate the opportunity to join [Company Name] as [Job Title]. Given my extensive experience in [relevant field] and the industry standards, I would like to discuss a salary adjustment to $75,000.
My background in [specific skills or achievements] will enable me to contribute significantly to the team. I am eager to start in this role and am confident that we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
[Your Name]
Requesting a Raise as a Current Employee
Subject: Salary Adjustment Discussion – [Your Name]
Dear [Manager’s Name],
I have greatly enjoyed working at [Company Name] and contributing to our team’s success. Over the past [number] years, my role has evolved significantly, including [specific achievements].
With this growth, I believe an adjustment to my current salary is warranted. Industry standards and my accomplishments suggest a salary of $75,000 is appropriate. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this further and find a fair adjustment.
Sincerely, [Your Name]