Outlook’s Email Send Limit: All You Need to Know

Outlook has a high email-sending limit for regular users. Regular users can send many emails. However, the rules are different for professionals. If you are a digital marketer and send many emails, you will reach a limit quickly. This means your performance decreases over time, and your output lowers.

This post explains why Outlook.com has sending limits. We will also show the specific limits for free and paid accounts. Additionally, we will give some possible solutions for the daily email limits.

  • Understanding Outlook’s Email Limits
  • Why There Are Daily Email Limits
  • Details of Outlook’s Daily Email Limits
    • New Accounts
    • Free Accounts
    • Paid Accounts
  • How Outlook Calculates Daily Limits
  • What Happens If You Go Over Limits
  • Solutions to Avoid Outlook’s Sending Limits

Why Are There Daily Email Limits?

Email service providers want to stop people from misusing their platforms. They want to stop spam, phishing, and other harmful activities. These actions can hurt their reputation. So, Outlook uses strict spam filters and daily sending limits that depend on the type of account.

Internet Service Providers also play a role in email. They enforce strict anti-spam rules for email servers. These rules help protect the network from threats and abuse. They also improve email delivery. Emails from trusted servers can get past spam filters more easily.

Now, let us look at how Outlook uses daily email limits!

Details of Outlook’s Daily Email Limits

Outlook has different sending limits for different accounts. The exact rules about limits are not public. Here are the things we know:

  • The reputation of the sender is very important.
  • New accounts have strict sending limits.
  • Free accounts can send a lot of emails for regular use, lowering the chance of hitting the limit.
  • Paid accounts have more freedom with how many emails they can send each day.

Now, let us look at these limits:

New Accounts

Outlook.com gives new accounts a small sending limit. This is to stop spammers from making many accounts and sending lots of emails through Outlook.

These rules are temporary. They go away once your account is trusted. Microsoft does not say the exact limits. Users say new accounts can send about 10 to 100 emails each day.

To lift these limits, you should follow good practices and not send spam.

Free Tier

Outlook’s free tier allows more emails than new accounts, but it may not be enough for big email campaigns.

Users on the free plan can send emails to 100 people at a time. They can also send about 300 emails each day. Outlook does not share the exact limits to stop people from using this info to cheat.

Paid Tier

Users who pay for Microsoft 365 and hold a business account can send many more emails each day. This is good for businesses and professionals that send a lot of emails.

  • The Daily limit for recipients: 5,000
  • Limit for recipients per email: 500
  • The daily limit for new recipients: 1,000

New recipients are people you have not emailed before. This limits cold emails to 1,000 each day.

These numbers look big, but they can go fast if you have a large email list. You may need to find ways to deal with these limits.

How Daily Limits Are Determined?

Outlook has email limits that work on a rolling 24-hour schedule. This limit does not reset at midnight. The limit starts to refresh from the time you send each email the previous day. This way, you can manage your email sending based on your needs. You do not have to wait for a fixed reset time.

What Happens If You Exceed Outlook’s Send Limits?

If you exceed the daily email limit, you will face some issues:

  • You cannot send more emails until the limit is reset.
  • The quota becomes available again 24 hours after the last email you sent.
  • Outlook can set restrictions or penalties if your account sends spam or breaks its rules.

Overcoming Outlook’s Sending Limits

Outlook’s sending limits can be hard for users with high email needs. Luckily, some strategies can help you work with these limits while following Microsoft’s rules.

Here are some strategies you can use:

  • Spread Out Email Sends: Send your emails at different times of the day. This can stop you from hitting the daily limit quickly. You can use Outlook’s scheduling tools or other services to help with this.
  • Use Multiple Accounts: If you need to send a lot of emails for different projects, using several Outlook accounts can help with the sending limit. Each account has its limits, but be careful not to use many accounts to avoid Outlook’s rules. This can lead to account suspension.
  • Use External Email Services: Many companies have services that send many emails at once. These services can work with Outlook. You can manage big email campaigns. This will not change your sending limits in Outlook.
  • Consider Upgrading: Outlook has many subscription options. These options are more than the regular Microsoft 365 plan. Contact Outlook customer service. They can help people who send many emails. Some plans can increase sending limits. You can send up to 10,000 emails each day. This helps businesses that need to send a lot of emails.

These ideas can help you manage many emails easily. If you already use some of these ideas, you can look for more tools and services. They can make your email management better.Do you want to send emails with heavier attachments but are unable to do so? Find out what the Outlook email attachment limits are and how you can bypass them.