Why is Social Media Marketing Important for Small Business?

Instituting a small business amidst several big giants can be intimidating for any business owner. There need to be constantly innovative ways for making the company’s brand reach the radar of prospective consumers. As you leverage online marketing, it is paramount to incorporate social media marketing for small businesses to engage with present customers and … Read more

Top Mobile App Ideas for Small Business to Consider

Businesses are paying attention to building an innovative mobile app for their business to fulfill all the demands of their ideal customers quickly. Mobile app downloads had increased drastically from 2016 to 2018; in 2016, around 143.7 billion apps were downloaded from the app store.

Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

Most businesses rely on internet marketing to draw in customers. They want to put their best face forward to attract as many people as possible. Good customer relations means that most businesses rely on computer-based tools and cloud-managed services. If hackers breach the login credentials of any of your online accounts, that means your data … Read more

5 Mobile Apps for a Small Business to Install Now

In recent times mobile applications are evolving the face of business. Applications are becoming more extensive, authoritative, and predominantly online business apps help companies to function effortlessly. Are you also hunting for mobile App development services that can improve your periodic operations, formulate your ideas, regulate your travel expenses? As a small business owner, automating … Read more

6 Reasons why Small Business does not Trust the Cloud

Small Business people live by the seat of their pants. They sole entrepreneur knows exactly how hard it is to build a customer list and market to those customers. Middle managers of large companies are hired into their position, maintain it for a period of time, then move on for career growth. This is an … Read more

The Pareto Principle Meets the Peter Principal – How Corporations Fail their Customers

I had professional contact with two companies this past week which both have fallen into the same trap. In both cases, they have had business units merged and grow. As is typical in a mature business, upper management moved on, and line staff got promoted into decision making roles. What I noted is with both … Read more

Fraud Reveals Industry-Wide Insecurity with Bank SMS Text Verification

Researchers from IBM Trusteer have uncovered a massive fraud operation that stole money from more than 16,000 people.  The worst part is – you have no defense against it. The crooks used emulators to imitate the phones of more than 16,000 people whose mobile bank accounts had been hacked. Even though regulators are implementing additional … Read more

5 benefits of CRM in Growing a Real Estate Business

CRM (Customer relation management) is a tool that enhances your approach towards your customers. CRM platform provides a structure and order for your business. Simply put CRM software helps you keep everything related to managing your customer relationships — data, notes, metrics, contacts, etc in one place. In a digital world of business, we need … Read more

How to Recover Deleted Files on Mac

You were working on your Mac and accidentally deleted certain data? Maybe you intentionally placed some files in the Recycle Bin and then realized you might still need them? Such situations are quite common because when working with information, you cannot exclude the human factor. We all make mistakes but there’s always a solution.